LobiBox Visitor Management System

Randomized Individual Access Codes vs Shared Access Codes

Written By: LobiBox Marketing Team
January 2, 2024

Key takeaways

The choice between randomized individual access codes and shared access codes is a critical decision that goes beyond mere convenience. It shapes the security culture of a property and influences the effectiveness of access control measures. By understanding the benefits and difficulties associated with each approach, property managers can make informed decisions that align with their security objectives while minimizing operational challenges. Ultimately, the pursuit of a secure and efficient access control system requires a thoughtful integration of technology, processes, and user education.

Ensuring the physical security of a property is an ongoing challenge, with access codes playing a pivotal role in controlling entry. In this blog, we will explore the benefits and difficulties associated with two approaches to access codes—randomized individual access codes and shared access codes. By delving into the nuances of each method, we can gain a deeper understanding of how these choices impact security and operational efficiency.

Benefits of Randomized Individual Access Codes

Enhanced Security through Traceability

One of the primary advantages of randomized individual access codes is the heightened security they offer. Each resident, employee, or authorized individual is assigned a unique code, creating a trail of accountability. In the event of a security breach, property managers can trace the source of the issue to a specific code, enabling swift and targeted response measures. This level of traceability significantly strengthens the overall security posture of the property.

Elimination of Common Codes

Randomized individual access codes eliminate the risk associated with common and easily guessable codes. While shared access codes may be susceptible to predictable combinations like “1234” or birthdays, individual codes generated randomly are inherently more secure. This proactive measure reduces the likelihood of unauthorized access through brute force attempts or code guessing, bolstering the overall resilience of the access control system.

Easy Deactivation in Case of Compromise

When a security incident occurs, the ability to promptly respond and mitigate risks is crucial. Randomized individual access codes simplify the process of deactivation. Property managers can quickly revoke access for a specific code without affecting others, minimizing potential damage. This agility in code management ensures that security remains dynamic and responsive to evolving threats.

Difficulties when transitioning from shared codes

Sharing Individual Codes with Couriers and Vendors

One challenge associated with randomized individual access codes lies in the need to share these codes with delivery couriers, vendors, and other temporary visitors. Coordinating and disseminating individual codes to external parties can be logistically complex, requiring clear communication channels and efficient processes to avoid disruptions to daily operations.

Re-Issuing Codes for Visitors

When visitors become accustomed to a specific code during their stay, re-issuing new individual codes can pose a challenge. This is especially relevant for recurring visitors or guests who may find it inconvenient to adapt to a new access code regularly. Striking a balance between security protocols and visitor convenience becomes crucial in such scenarios.

Risk of Individual Code Sharing

While individual codes enhance security, there is still a risk of these codes being shared among authorized individuals. Whether inadvertently or intentionally, individuals may disclose their codes to others, compromising the integrity of the access control system. Property managers must implement robust education and awareness programs to minimize the likelihood of code sharing.

Constantly Refreshing Scannable Codes

Scannable codes, such as QR codes or barcodes linked to individual access codes, offer a dynamic solution to the risk of screenshots. Unlike static PIN codes, scannable codes can be constantly refreshed, rendering screenshots ineffective. However, implementing and maintaining a system that generates and updates scannable codes seamlessly requires careful planning and integration with access control systems.

Striking the Right Balance

Balancing the benefits and difficulties of randomized individual access codes requires a nuanced approach. Property owners and managers must weigh the enhanced security offered by traceability, elimination of common codes, and easy deactivation against the logistical challenges of sharing codes with external parties and re-issuing codes for visitors. Moreover, addressing the risk of code sharing among authorized individuals and implementing dynamic scannable code solutions necessitate a comprehensive strategy.

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