LobiBox Visitor Management System

Replacing a Doorman with a Video Intercom

Written By: LobiBox Marketing Team
January 2, 2024

Key takeaways

Replacing a doorman with a video intercom system represents a strategic move towards cost efficiency, centralized management, and enhanced tenant empowerment. By understanding the reasons behind this transition, recognizing the necessary features of an effective video intercom system, and carefully considering the associated challenges, property owners and managers can navigate this shift successfully. While the luxury experience and security presence of a doorman are valued by many, the integration of advanced technology ensures a modern, efficient, and secure approach to property access and management.

In the ever-evolving landscape of property management, the decision to replace a traditional doorman with a video intercom system marks a significant shift towards modernization and efficiency. This blog will explore three crucial aspects of this transition: the reasons to make the switch, the necessary features of a video intercom system, and important considerations for property owners and managers.

Reasons to Make the Switch

Cost Efficiency

One of the primary motivations behind transitioning from a doorman to a video intercom system is the substantial cost savings. Employing a doorman involves a salaried position with associated benefits, which can be a significant financial burden. In contrast, a video intercom system incurs a fraction of the cost, typically amounting to a few thousand dollars a year for maintenance and operation. This cost-effectiveness is particularly attractive to property owners seeking to optimize operational expenses without compromising security.

Employee Recruitment and Retention Challenges

Finding and retaining qualified doormen can be a persistent challenge for property managers. High turnover rates and the need for specialized interpersonal skills can make hiring and maintaining a reliable doorman workforce difficult. Transitioning to a video intercom system eliminates the need for constant recruitment efforts, providing a reliable and consistent solution to the personnel management challenge.

Centralized Management of Multiple Locations

For property owners managing multiple locations, centralizing access control and security management becomes imperative. A video intercom system allows for the centralized monitoring and control of entrances across various properties. This streamlines operations, enhances security protocols, and facilitates more efficient management practices, contributing to a cohesive and organized approach to property security.

Empower Tenants to Manage Their Own Guests

Video intercom systems empower tenants by allowing them to easily manage and grant access to their guests remotely. Through a user-friendly interface, tenants can verify the identity of visitors, grant or deny access, and even communicate with guests without being physically present. This not only enhances convenience for residents but also fosters a sense of control and security.

Comprehensive Audit Trail

Unlike a doorman’s logbook, video intercom systems provide a comprehensive digital audit trail of all visitors and tenant access. This feature is invaluable for security purposes, as it allows property managers to track and review access events, identify potential security breaches, and address any anomalies promptly. The audit trail adds an additional layer of accountability and transparency to the overall security infrastructure.

Necessary Features of a Video Intercom System

Call for Assistance Functionality

A robust video intercom system should include a call for assistance feature, allowing residents or visitors to quickly connect with a designated point of contact in case of emergencies or specific needs. This feature ensures that the convenience of a doorman’s assistance is not entirely lost in the transition to a digital system.

Visitor Access Codes

To enhance security and streamline guest access, video intercom systems should support the generation of temporary visitor access codes. These codes can be easily communicated to guests and provide secure, time-limited access to the property. This feature ensures that guest access is controlled and traceable, and provides management with parental control over tenants and their visitor codes.

Package Management and Delivery Access

Recognizing the growing reliance on online shopping and package deliveries, a video intercom system should incorporate features for seamless package management. This may include secure access for delivery personnel, automated package notification systems, and designated areas for package drop-offs. Efficient package management contributes to resident satisfaction and minimizes the risk of package theft.

Considerations in the Transition

The Luxury Experience of a Doorman

It’s essential to acknowledge that many residents appreciate the personal touch and friendly welcome provided by a doorman. The transition to a video intercom system should consider ways to replicate this luxury experience digitally, perhaps through personalized greetings or additional concierge services accessible through the system.

Deterrence of Criminal Activity

The physical presence of a doorman can act as a deterrent to criminal activity, including unauthorized access and package theft. Property managers must explore complementary security measures, such as visible surveillance cameras and well-lit entrances, to mitigate the absence of a physical presence.

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